Why use this template?

Use this template as a simple and effective way to show the results of user testing your design. You can have this up while observing the test sessions and quickly assign the appropriate pass or fail rating per user as they progress through the tasks. You are left with a simple, clean looking report to share results with stakeholders as well as an easy list to track what needs improvement!

How to use the template

  1. Start by writing down the tasks you will ask users to perform.
An animated image showing where someone clicks to add tasks to the list
  1. Now add or remove users based on how many people you have recruited.
An animated image showing where someone clicks to modify users in the list
  1. Assign each user a pass, partial, or fail based on what you observed during the testing session.
An animated image showing where someone clicks to assign pass or fail ratings per user per task

Where to get the template

Link here: Task Analysis Notion Template